Insert the CN code below, click “check” and check if the CBAM & EuDR regulations apply to your products.
This is an online free tool that allows you to easily check whether your product’s Combined Nomenclature code (CN code) is within the scope of the Regulation 2023/956 on establishing a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and the Regulation 2023/115 on Deforestation – free Products (EuDR).
Simply enter the CN code in the field and click “check” and the tool will inform whether CBAM and EuDR regulations apply.
The Regulation 2023/956 is established due to looming risk of Carbon Leakage and purpose is to compliment the EU ETS by setting a carbon tax to imports of carbon intensive sectors, such as:
According with the CBAM Regulation, the importers from the third countries are obligated to pay the carbon tax for specific imported products according with the quantity of their carbon emissions.
The 2023/1115 Regulation is an important measurement for dealing with the danger of deforestation in Europe. It establishes rules for the placement of products that contain or have been produced with the following raw materials:
According to the EuDR Regulation, the companies that place products in the E.U. that fall within the scope of EuDR should develop danger evaluation and management systems within the supply chain that will ensure that the products that come in the E.U. market, do not contribute in the deforestation.